Sunday, August 19, 2018

what Money Dream means

Before you shake your head and say that dreams have no impact on your waking life, consider this: Scientists have found that they can actually affect our daytime behavior. In research published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, a team of U.S. and British researchers found a link between particular events in dreams and later real-world interactions with our significant others. Other past studies have also found that dreams can influence our actions and emotional state the next day. Certainly the father of all psychoanalysis would agree. “Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious,” Sigmund Freud said famously in the 19th century. So what does it mean if you’re dreaming about money? In dreams, money can reflect everything from perceived power and energy to resourcefulness and even self-esteem, says Kelly Sullivan Walden, author of “It’s All In Your Dreams.” We asked her and two other dream experts to analyze the five most common money-related dreams. Keep reading to see what these money dreams mean. Winning a lotery Before you chalk it up to just wishful thinking, dream expert Anna-Karin Bjorklund, author of “Dream Guidance: Interpret Your Dreams and Create the Life You Desire!,” suggests that the “winning” feeling could relate to other aspects of your life you have good feelings about, such as being lucky in love. “This is when you have the power to attract what you really want in life. It may not literally mean a lottery payout, but rather you can expect to attract more positive energy and winning opportunities your way,” Bjorklund says. She also recommends capitalizing on how you felt when you were asleep. “I call this a wish-fulfillment dream. Take advantage of this amazing feeling you had and bring this confidence with you into your daily life.” Found Money In your dream, you’re walking down the street and you find a $100 bill stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Or you try on an old coat you had stored for years in the attic and discover a wad of $20 bills in one of the pockets. Just because these scenarios happened in slumber and not real life, don’t despair. “If you dream of finding money in your own purse or wallet, this may represent a renewed sense of self-appreciation, self-worth and the ability to value the essential aspects of your life that you may have previously taken for granted,” says Walden. “If the money you dream of finding isn’t yours, then perhaps you are receiving credit for something that you doubt you deserve.” JUst Dream The Money and Get it.... work hard with dreaming the money Dollar.... I love to dream dollars....

Monday, September 7, 2015

I have A Dream Selfy with Donald Trump

US President Candidate Donald Trump selfy with Indonesia Blogger :) Yes Mr DT popular in Indonesia after selfy with Setya Novanto and Fadli Zon. They are Selfy when DT held Pers Conferance. They are Selfy all the people of US and Indonesia see the photo become popular at Indonesia Country. Donald Trump is known in Indonesia after the campign case of Bill Clinton and Lippo Group, Indonesian People come again in the US Election case maybe the have money to help US candidate.

Dollar Tembus 14 ribu

Kurs Dollar saat ini tembus Rp. 14.121/dollar.Dampak yang paling sangat terasa tentu bidang usaha yang menggunakan nilai tukar Dollar.
Dollar adalah salah satu uang kuat di dunia. dan merupakan suatu perbandingan ekonomi dunia terhadap kurs mata uang seluruh dunia.

Dimana dengan adanya penguatan dollar terhadap nilai tukar mata uang di negara manapun, membuat perekonomian negara-negara yang mempunyai utang terhadap bank dunia, menjadi lemah perekonomian negara tersebut.
Hal ini perlu kita siasati dengan mencoba melihat peluang bisnis export yang menggunakan dollar seperti furniture.

Seperti yang saya contohkan dibawah ini salah satu pebisnis furniture di daerah Jepara Jawa Tengah. PT Kalingga telah lama memproduksi furniture seperti mebel kursi, dan lain sebagainya.saat ini PT Kalingga mampu menjual hasil produksinya hingga 2 kali lipat keuntungan penjualan nya.PT Kalingga mampu meng eksport hingga ke Amerika latin,Peru,Chile,yang nota bene membeli barang barang eksport setengah jadi ke negara-negara tersebut diatas.Tapi untuk eksport ke negara-negara Eropa,saat ini ada penurunan daya beli masyarakat Eropa yang menurun akibat dampak kenaikan Kurs Dollar terhadap negara-negara tersebut.Contoh negara Yunani,saat ini yang berdampak anjlok nya perekonomian di negara tersebut.Karena terlalu besar dana asing di dalam ekonomi negara tersebut.

Menteri Koordinator bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution mengakui,struktur ekonomi Indonesia saat ini masih rentan terhadap gejolak perekonomian dunia.Penyebabnya adalah karena terlalu banyak dana asing dalam perekonomian nasional.
Dia menjelaskan,besarnya dana asing dalam perekonomian nasional bisa terlihat dari besarnya kepemilikan asing pada Surat Berharga Negara (SBN),yaitu Surat Utang Negara (SUN) sebesar 38%.
Dengan struktur ekonomi yang terbangun selama ini,menyebabkan Indonesia belum bisa mandiri menggunakan uangnya sendiri. Untuk melakukan pembangunan Indonesia masih harus mengandalkan sumber-sumber dana asing.
Apa lagi,sambung dia,banyak orang kaya Indonesia yang gemar menyimpan uangnya di perbankan luar negeri.
Sehingga untuk membiayai  pembanguna di negara sendiri,perbankan nasional masih kesulitan dan terpaksa menggunakan pinjaman asing.
"Karena kita tabungannya (dana dalam negeri) kecil. Kita perlu uang asing. Tidak bisa di hindari," kata dia.
Pemerintah pun tidak tinggal diam,langkah konkrit yang telah di lakukan pemerintah seperti mendorong belanja modal.Pemerintah pun mengundang investor untuk mengerjakan proyek besar,namun investasinya tidak masuk ke dalam Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA). Alasannya,dengan PMA maka dana asing di Indonesia akan semakin besar besar.
"Makanya ayok dong orang kaya indonesia,ikaut tanam modal di negara sendiri.Jangan di bawa ke luar negeri," imbaunya.
Apa yang di katakan Pak Menteri tentu wajar saja,tapi apakah bisa menarik minat dari investor lokal untuk menanamkan modal di negeri sendiri ?
Permasalahannya pemerintah sebenar nya tahu itu,tapi seperti tidak mau tau , Yaitu masalah Perijinan yang berbelit-belit, Birokrasi yang muter-muter, Harus menunggu berhari-hari dengan alasan " waiting list," dan lain sebagainya. Terbersit di dalam pikiran kita gimana rasanya kalau baru pertama mau melakukan usaha sudah terganjal dengan masalah perijinan..
Semoga pembaca yang budiman bisa memberikan solusi jawaban yang di rasakan oleh para penanam modal lokal di Indonesia,demi kesejahteraan kita berbangsa dan bernegara.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

This is My old blog dream of dollars

I have make this blog on 2008 and today is 2015, this is 7 years old blogs but only the time i make this blog and I never adding new post. To day after my students have thousand dollars income this dream, dreamming to get dollar is come true to some of my students. I never got thousand of dollars from blogging :( so sorry I am not concern to blogging only. they are making web for salling cloth, for ads and for gammer or game aplication on the web. For 7 years ago maybe small number of internet people in Indonesia. Smalls number of acces to my web. I remember the year on Bupati Election when my site is fully traffic I am still using a share hosting for my sites. To day I am have some server for website and I am selling a dedicated Indonesian Hosted servers. Indonesian Internet Exchange is 10 Gbps traffic and 10 Mbps Internet Exchange Global. If you all the world need servers in Indonesia plase contact me at Cheap dedicated server start only Rp. 1.500.000 per month equivalent to $110/mo for dollars today.. And it could be ceaper since dollar is more expensive to Rupiahs.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Memilih anak buah (karyawan) dan sukses entrepreneur

Banyak orang yang masih kurang care atau menganggap sepele dalammerekrut anak buah atau staff ketika memulai usaha. Yang penting asalmau diajak bergabung dan mau dibayar murah, namun kurang melihatbagaimana kemampuan anak buah itu untuk diajak berlari memajukanbisnis. Artinya yang dilihat hanya 'harganya' sekarang (present value)yang bisa dibayar murah, disisi lain kurang memperhatikan nilai masadepannya (future value).Padahal kualitas anak buah (pada SDM kita) itu sangat menentukan.Maklum seorang entrepreneur tak mungkin melakukan semuanya sendiri.Tangan dia hanya dua, kaki juga dua, dan indra pikir (otak) dia jugahanya satu. Sehebat apapun seorang entrepreneur dia pasti punyaketerbatasan karena itu butuh orang-orang lain di sekitarnya yang bisaia delegasikan tugas dengan kualitas hasil yang kurang lebih samabagus dibanding kalau ia sendiri yang melakukannya. Syukur-syukurkalau bisa mengerjakan lebih bagus daripada ia sendiri yang melakukan.Sejauh yang saya tahu, entrepreneur besar yang kemudian suksesmelairkan perusahaan2 besar, juga didukung oleh para anak buah yanghebat yang mampu menerjemahkan keinginan owner, mampu bekerjasama,loyal, dan mau mencari ide-ide terobosan bisnis tanpa diomelin siowner sekalipun. Mari kita bercermin dari kasus Astra. Kenapa Astra?Bagaimanapun Astra adalah salah satu perusahaan terbesar dan tersuksesdi Indonesia, dan juga menerapkan sistem manajerial yang oleh paraahli disebut-sebut sebagai yang terbaik di Indonesia.Astra bisa besar dan menggurita seperti sekarang tak lepas dariperintisnya, yakni om William Suryajaya. Beliau adalah pendiri Astrayang awalnya bisnisnya juga trading, mensuplai kebutuhan beberapainstansi, sebelum menjadi raja otomotif. Banyak orang yang tak tahukalau kalau Astra besar juga karena Om William punya beberapa anakbuah yang hebat saat perintisan yang notabene adalah beberapakeponakannya sendiri. Sebut saja Pak TP Rachmat dan Pak Teddy Tohir --masih ada beberapa yang lain. Mereka ini sudah ikut Om William dari jaman susahnya dulu. Tapi merekainilah anak buah yang berbakat yang memberikan kontribusi besar kepadasi owner (entrepreneur). Selain bekerja keras, juga capable dan punyavisi. Terbukti Astra kemudian besar dan para anak buah itu kemudianjuga mandiri menjadi enterpreneur yang sukses. Tedy Thohir kemudiansukses mendirikan bisnis sendiri Group Wahana (dealership danfinancing untuk sepeda motor) -- Wom Finance. Sekarang bisnis diasudah diteruskan anak-anaknya (Garibaldi Tohir dan Erick Tohir). TPRachmat juga demikian. Orang ini, setelah lama menjadi Presdir GroupAstra setelah era Om William, ia juga mendirikan usaha sendiri,Triputra Group yang kini juga menjadi salah satu kelompok usaha besardi Indonesia. Saya kira orang Astra pasti mengakui Astra bisa besarsalah satunya karena andil TP Rachmat, karena orang inilah yangmembangun sistem di Astra. Dai juga cukup lama menjadi presdir Astrasebelum kahirnya mengundurkan diri. Bagi para pemula bisnis, memang tidak mudah meniru langkah Om William,mencari anak-anak buah dari keluarga dekat yang hebat dan masih maudibayar murah saat merintis bisnis. Yang penting saya kirasemangatnya, cari anak buah terbaik sejauh yang bisa dilakukan. Janganasal comot. Bagaimanapun kemajuan bisnis amat ditentukan SDM-nya.Kebetulan saya pernah tanya ke Pak TP Rachmat, apa rahasia beliaumembesarkan Astra dan juga bisnis sendiri, jawabnya, ialah SDM. Punyatim yang hebat. Beliau kalau mau masuk di bisnis baru bukan bidangnyadulu yang dicari, namun orangnya dulu. Ada nggak orang yang siapbeliau tempatkan sebagai CEO, GM, sbg. Beliau orang yang sangatconcern dengan man management atau people management dan inilah salahsatu pilar terpenting dalam bisnis. Kata beliau "kalau kita punya timatau anak buah yang bagus sudah seperti Rinso, bisa mencuci sendiri". Saya juga tahu banyak soal Astra dari relasi saya Pak Harijanto,beliau mantan tim-nya Pak TP Rachmat di Astra yang kemudian jugasukses menjadi entrepreneur. Pak Harijanto, pengusaha sepatu yang kinipunya 9.000-an karyawan, juga menerapkan man management ala Astra diperusahaannya. Dari mulai cara rekruitmen hingga bagaimana mengelolaanak buah (soal upah dll). Makanya di perusahaan Pak Harijanto inicukup harmonis meski pekerjanya ribuan orang. Beliau masih bisa nyanyibersama dan dangdutan bersama karyawannya atau makan bersama di kantinperusahaan. Ini nggak gampang lho, apalagi saat ini banyak pemilikperusahaan yang datang ke pabriknya sendiri takut. Takut didemo, takutdikeroyok, takut dilempari kerikil, dll, karena soal upah dan sistemketenagakerjaan yang kurang baik. Makanya ada beberapa pabrik yangdibakar atau disandera oleh karyawannya sendiri. Tragis. Mungkinpemiliknya menangis juga kenapa dia yang punya perusahaan tapi maumasuk pabriknya sendiri tak boleh. Tapi itu bisa jadi itu tuah dariulahnya sendiri, karena tidak menerapkan man/people management yangbaik, adil dan transparan. Ada baiknya belajar dari Astra dan juga perusahaan yang menerapkan manmanagemen dengan baik lainnya. Carilah anak buah yang baik, potensialdan berbakat, lalu pertahankan dia dengan man management yang baik(penggajian, training, dll). Semoga upaya perintisan bisniskawan-kawan semua sukses sesuai harapan. Bagi yang ingin menyimak danmengkaji kisah dan kiat bisnis dari Pak Harijanto, pengusaha sepatuyang awalnya hanya penjaga gudang namun kini punya 9.000-an karyawan,bisa baca sendiri di buku terbitan Gramedia '10 PENGUSAHA YANG SUKSESMEMBANGUN BISNIS DARI 0", disusun Sudarmadi. Kawan-kawan juga bisamembaca kiat dan kisah 9 pengusaha lainnya di buku itu yang sayapercaya akan mendatangkan banyak manfaat.

Friday, July 11, 2008

10 Keys To Interpreting Your Dreams of Dollars

The exact meaning of dreams is up to each individual dreamer, since each dream is unique to the mind that created it. There are many interpretations of virtually any object, place or person encountered in a dream, but each of those objects, people, and places are open to alternate explanations as well. Those wishing to analyze their own dreams often do so out of a desire to use those dreams to make decisions or gain control over issues in their working life. Whether you wish to analyze dreams simply for the fun of it or to gain access to your subconscious mind, it is important to capture your dreams properly in order to analyze them.
Keeping a dream journal is a great way to keep track of your dreams, and to look for patterns that may emerge after a few weeks. Even those who do not have recurring dreams often notice the same themes popping up again and again, and a dream journal can help uncover these connections.

This article will provide you with some times for getting the most out of your dream world, and using that world to improve your waking life.

  • Immediately upon awakening, play the dream back in your head several times. Playing the dream back in your mind will help you remember those all important details that are so quickly forgotten.
  • Be sure to move quickly when recording your dreams. The dream world is one of the most ethereal, and one of the most easily forgotten. It is estimated that as much as half of the dream can be forgotten in as little as five minutes, and after as little as ten minutes almost all of the dream can be lost.
  • Write a quick description of the dream as quickly as possible, focusing on the key symbols and themes of the dream. Write down any words or descriptions that jump out at you. It is not necessary to write a full narrative of the dream at this point; simply record how the dream felt, some of the objects that were encountered, and similar details.
  • After the initial impressions of the dream have been recorded, read over your notes and start filling in the gaps. The dream narrative can be recorded at this point.

  • Look for a quiet place in which to start interpreting and analyzing your dream. It is important to choose an area free of distractions, and to concentrate on what the dream really means. If no quiet room is available at the moment, take a last look at your notes and come back to them later when you can find a quiet place.
  • Pay close attention to your feelings as you review your dream notes. First impressions about the meaning of a dream are often quite accurate. Also pay attention to the context of the dream, where it took place, and the feelings it engendered both while in the dream world and upon waking.
  • If you meditate, that can be a big help in trying to capture the deeper meaning of the dream. A few minutes of quiet meditation can reveal much of the nature of the dream.
  • In reviewing your dream notes, examine the emotions they stir in you. Pay attention to the emotional state that existed in the dream.
  • Pay particular attention to any details that stand out. Vivid parts of your dream, or those that can be remembered long after the dream, are often the most important.
  • When examining you dream and looking for the meaning of symbols, it is important to not limit yourself to the most common interpretations. Remember that each dream is as unique as the person who dreamt it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

dream being naked

One of the most common dreams around the world is the one in which the dreamer is naked. Dreams of being naked can have several interpretations, and the nakedness in the dream can manifest itself in a number of different ways.
In some naked dreams, the dreamer is simply going about his or her own business, commuting to work driving in the car, walking around the neighborhood, etc. In many cases, the dreamer is completely unaware of his or her nakedness and not at all bothered by it.
In other cases, the dreamer is aware of his or her nakedness but no one else seems to notice at all. While the dreamer may be conscious of the nakedness, everyone else just goes on about their business and make no comments. These types of dreams are often manifestations of the dreamer’s fears.
Often the dreamer has fears that he or she worries may be uncovered. Dreams in which no one but the dreamer notices the nakedness are often indications that the fears bothering the dreamer are unfounded, and that no one else is concerned about them.
On the other hand, dreams in which the dreamer suddenly becomes mortified at realizing he or she is naked often indicate vulnerability, fear or shame. In many cases, the dreamer is hiding a secret or hiding something that he or she is afraid will be found out. The nakedness in the dream indicates a fear that other people see through you and will discover your secrets.
In dreams, clothes can represent concealment and hiding, so being stripped of clothes can mean being left defenseless and exposed. The dream may be trying to tell you that you think you are hiding something, but that everyone else already knows about it. This is one of the most common forms of the naked dream.
Being naked in a dream can also indicate fear of being caught off guard. For instance, many people dream that they are suddenly naked at work or at school. As a matter of fact, the dream of being suddenly naked in a classroom before taking a test is one of the most frequently studied dreams. This kind of nakedness usually symbolizes fear of being unprepared for a situation at school or work, such as an important project at work or an exam at school.
Often times these dreams of nakedness at work or school coincide with events in real life. For instance, you may dream of being naked at the office right before that big project is due, or before you are due to make that big presentation. These types of dreams can be especially common among those who feel they are unprepared for the challenge.
Likewise, students who feel they have not studied sufficiently for any exam often dream of being in the exam room naked and exposed.
Sometimes these types of dreams to not coincide with real events. Rather they may simply be manifestations of a more generalized fear of being caught unaware, or of being unprepared for the challenges of life.
Other naked dreams with similar meanings involve being naked and standing in front of a crowd. Since nakedness and public speaking are two of the most common fears in the world, this combination can be mortifying, even in a dream. Being naked in front of a crowd can symbolize a fear of being exposed, a fear of being unprepared, or a fear that those around you know things about you they are not telling you about.
One of the rarer types of dream nakedness is where the dreamer realizes he or she is naked but shows no fear, shame or embarrassment. This type of naked dream can be a symbol of freedom and unrestrained exuberance. This kind of dream can indicate that the dreamer has nothing to hide and is proud of his or her life. In this case, the nakedness in the dream can be a positive thing – symbolizing openness, honesty and a trusting and carefree sense of life.